Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 4. C. Previous Assessment Results
Beginning with the state plan modification in 2018 and for subsequent state plans and state plan modifications, provide the results of assessments of the effectiveness of the core programs and other one-stop partner programs and Combined State Plan partner programs included in the Unified or Combined State plan during the preceding 2-year period (i.e. the 2-year period of the plan modification cycle). Describe how the State is adapting its strategies based on these assessments.
Current Narrative:
Pursuant to Indiana Code (IC) 22-4.1-24-2(a), annual reports are made that include information about state and federally-funded workforce programs administered by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) as well as total workforce expenditures across all state agencies performing workforce services (Annual Workforce Programs Report). The Annual Workforce Programs Report (www.in.gov/dwd/WPR.htm) tracks expenditures, participation, and outcomes for all agency programs. The report is designed to enable legislators and administrators to analyze all of Indiana’s workforce programs based on outcomes that are closely aligned to WIOA performance indicators.
The state and our local workforce boards have annual performance measures as determined through the federal/state and state/local performance negotiations process. However, the state recognized that we could improve upon the services provided to individuals by looking more comprehensively at the services we were providing to individuals, and thus a comprehensive analysis on how to better serve Hoosiers led to the development of this Combined Plan. We will continue to monitor federal and state performance along with the goals outlined in this plan to determine iterative strategies at improving services to Hoosiers.
The Federal and State Performance Measures are made available on the DWD Performance Portal at: www.in.gov/dwd/RPM.htm. The results of these performance measures drive conversations and collaboration among state and local partners to identify areas for improvement, to prioritize technical assistance, and to inform funding (e.g., funding to target specific metrics or state priority areas). While the state did not meet all of the expected measures for PY20, due in part to the volatile economic conditions created by the pandemic, improvements have been made into PY21 and are on track to continue to PY22/23. In areas where a local region does not meet the negotiated metrics, the GWC and DWD work with local boards to identify areas for improvement and why they may not be meeting those negotiated levels.
In addition to the Federal Performance Measures, the state has also put in place some other performance measures that are utilized to help drive better performance in those federal indicators. The state performance measures are also utilized to help identify performance funding that is available for local boards. While these measures began to be assessed, the effort to track these additional measures experienced a pause when the pandemic set in. During PY22 and 23, the state will be evaluating these state performance measures both in pandemic conditions and outside of pandemic conditions to understand the impact and quality of measures that they provide. As a result, we will refine these state measures and the policy set forth.
As the state moves forward with our Combined Plan, we will be looking at performance across all combined partner programs. Below is a depiction of how the state compared and evaluates performance across core programs.
In addition to evaluating these core programs, the state has also begun to assess performance across various programs. This is done by looking at a four-year snapshot that assesses participants served and services provided. The state plans to further develop these assessments, through a quarterly dashboard, to identify trends in participants and service delivery both by region and statewide. A snapshot of this dashboard can be seen below, depicting an assessment of several programs and areas. The efforts here will provide details on how services can be tailored to areas where improvement may be needed.