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e. 5. C. Marketing the Agricultural Recruitment System for U.S. Workers (ARS) to agricultural employers and how it intends to improve such publicity.

Current Narrative:

The VDOL recognizes the importance of the agricultural industry in Vermont and has devoted resources to meet the labor needs of agricultural employers and MSFWs. VDOL will provide information about the Agricultural Recruitment System for US workers on its website and make information available about how to develop and place job orders - and how to work with VDOL to recruit for the positions locally, statewide, nationally, and, if necessary, through the foreign labor program. 

A number of employment-related services for businesses are available at the  local One-Stop Career Centers. These include:

  • Posting of jobs
  • Assistance with small and large-scale recruitment activities
  • Help planning job fairs
  • Testing and assessment of job candidates
  • Labor market information
  • Information on training grants and tax credits

The VDOL has recently reorganized its Workforce Development Division to include a manager of Business Services. Over the coming year, this individual will become trained in the MSFW program and include greater outreach to agricultural employers. 

Additionally, services available to farmers and farmworkers are available online at www.labor.vermont.gov and the Vermont Job Link website at www.vermontjoblink.com. These websites include useful phone numbers and services provided to both farmworkers and agricultural employers.