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Located in:
  • III. Operational Planning Elements

    The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above.  Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs.  This section must include—

    • a. State Strategy Implementation

      The Unified or Combined State Plan must include–

      • 2. Implementation of State Strategy

        Describe how the lead State agency with responsibility for the administration of each core program or a Combined Plan partner program included in this plan will implement the State’s Strategies identified in Section II(c). above. This must include a description of—

III. a. 2. A. Core Program Activities to Implement the State’s Strategy

Describe the activities the entities carrying out the respective core programs will fund to implement the State’s strategies.  Also, describe how such activities will be aligned across the core programs and Combined State Plan partner programs included in this plan and among the entities administering the programs, including using co-enrollment and other strategies, as appropriate.

Current Narrative:

In addition to the specific activities described in Table 23, the core and partner programs will also participate on the WIOA Advisory Group, and to the extent appropriate, participate in joint training and planning activities coordinated across programs as outlined in Section (II)(c)(2).

Where appropriate, each core and partner program specifically address the various activities they fund which are listed in the table that follows. Activities are organized under the appropriate strategy they address.  However, the Idaho Department of Labor is the lead state agency for administering all Title I-B programs, Title III programs, as well as the Combined State Plan partner programs of Trade Adjustment Assistance, Veterans Employment and Training Services, and Unemployment Insurance. As a result, the activities funded by this agency apply across multiple programs and are addressed concurrently. Therefore, this section is organized as follows:

Idaho Department of Labor Programs

As stated previously, the Idaho Department of Labor is the lead state agency for administration of four core programs: WIOA youth, adult and dislocated worker programs and the Wagner-Peyser employment service program. The Department of Labor is also the lead agency for the following Combined State Plan partner programs: Trade Adjustment Assistance, Veterans Employment and Training Services, and Unemployment Insurance. It funds the activities listed in the table below as a means of implementing the State’s strategies across its programs.

Title II Programs - Adult Education

The agency responsible for administering Title II programs is the Idaho Career Technical Education (ICTE). ICTE, as well as local Adult Education programs, will invest in the activities listed in the table.

Title IV Programs - Vocational Rehabilitation

Title IV Programs in Idaho are carried out by two agencies: The Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (referred to below as “The Division”) and the Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (referred to below as “The Commission.”). This section highlights the efforts of both agencies.

Combined Partner Program - OAA Title V - Senior Community Service Employment Program

The following activities are funded by the Idaho SCSEP to implement the state strategies and support unemployed individuals 55+.

Table 23: Core Program Activities Aligned with Strategy Implementation 

Core Program Activities  Agency/ Program*Target key industries/  Sector Approach* Improving Public Awareness and Access to the Workforce System*Coordinating Business Services across partners to ensure delivery of streamlined and high-quality solutions*Serving Rural communities*Career Pathways
Idaho Department of Labor-WP,WIOA Title I-B, TAA, VETS, & UI·Provide AJC staff training on business outreach techniques.
·Monitor real-time activity, trends & needs at local, regional & state levels.
·Enhanced business services: Outreach; 1 on 1 meetings w/targeted employers; office strategy sessions on how to best respond to employer needs.
·Develop ongoing messaging campaign to make Idaho residents aware of the agency’s  service delivery model which allows a greater number of customers access to services in more communities.
· Encourage Title I-B participants, especially dislocated workers, to participate in work-based learning opportunities, including registered apprenticeships, on-the-job training (OJT), internships and others.
·Coordinates employer outreach among local one-stop partners as One-Stop Operator.
·Work with State Board of Education to ensure WIOA Eligible Training provides offer high quality education experiences.
·Prioritize work-based learning for all programs.
·Maintain a presence in rural communities, through the mobile service delivery model, ensuring that One-Stop services are be available across the state in over 47 communities to serve job seekers and employers in both urban and rural areas.
·Refer to the agency’s new service delivery model which now offers service to more than 47 communities across the state, more than doubling previous efforts.
·Implement state’s WIOA ETP policy developed to ensure training for occupations within the established career pathways available and prioritized
·Actively work with employers to develop registered apprenticeships for their in-demand occupations.
Idaho Career Technical  Education-Adult Education· Provide technical assistance to WIOA Title II funded program sites to develop/ refine career pathways focused curriculum in key sectors.
·Focus on sector priorities established by the Workforce Development Council aligned with regional labor needs.
·Develop and maintain a regional matrix of labor needs to be shared with WIOA Title II program sites.
· Coordinate WIOA Title II and WIOA Title I intake processes.
·Partner with Workforce Development programs at Community College sites to align adult education with workforce needs.
· Enhance WIOA Title II curriculum to meet employer needs.          
·Collaborate with WIOA providers and WDC to communicate the value add of adult education programs to ensure coordinated messaging.    
·Coordinate with ICTE Administrator to communicate statewide Adult Education overview to the WDC.
· Fund research, training & implementation of effective distance learning models for adult students, including partner program collaboration to identify promising models or utilize existing resources.
·Encourage local providers to strengthen partnerships & supports in rural areas, funding coordination efforts as appropriate.  
· Fund research, training & implementation of contextualized instruction which incorporates workplace preparation & occupational skills into literacy, math and English language instruction, & is aligned with the career pathways being developed by the state.
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs- Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation & Idaho Commission of the Blind and  Visually Impaired•Contribute to the sector approach established by the WDC.
•Explore similar tools for pathways common to quality VR outcomes.
•Continue to focus on and train staff to use IDOL or other quality sources of local area LMI (e.g. Career Index Plus,) to better inform customers’ employment goal selection using a career pathways strategy in concert with regional LMI to identify in-demand quality jobs, including use of DOLs in-demand and quality jobs list, that are a match for the customer.
•Increase utilization of Idaho Launch and Next Steps Idaho
• Improve program visibility including improved marketing tools for both employers and people with disabilities with core Programs, including materials for coordinating business services.
•Continue to work with one-stop partners to provide guidance on programmatic and physical accessibility to increase quality of services for people with disabilities.
•Leverage WDQI and DataLabs projects to increase quality and quantity of appropriate co-enrollment opportunities
·Coordinate activities with One-Stop partners by sharing program contact information, eligibility criteria, and training on program services and mission. Maximize services to individuals with disabilities through increased collaboration and integrated service delivery with various partners in One-Stop centers. Comprehensive information and training will be provided to outside organizations.
•Track business services provided/delivered by staff and reporting this information to WDC on a monthly basis.
•Participate in business service teams comprised of membership of all core programs to meet on a quarterly basis.
•Collaborate with One-Stop partners, including libraries, to establish information and referral procedures for serving individuals with disabilities in rural communities, where VR lacks a physical presence.•Train staff and expand utilization of the career pathways established by ICTE, including the Career Atlas tool.
•Look at partnership opportunities for potential shared space in rural and underserved communities.
Idaho Commission on Aging - SCSEP ·Partner with One-Stop partners on outreach campaigns to increase visibility for participants 55+/years old.·Provide paid employment training, job skills & computer skills training. 
· Offer supportive services, such as annual physical exams, to overcome barriers to employment
·Continue to support new and existing participants 55+/yrs. old in attaining employment. Offer additional assistance, i.e., On-the-Job Experience (OJE) and other paid training opportunities to those experiencing barriers to employment such as those who live in rural and remote settings across the state.