Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (AOP). Each State agency must develop an AOP every four years as part of the Unified or Combined State Plan required under sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. The AOP must include an assessment of need. An assessment need describes the unique needs of farmworkers in the area based on past and projected agricultural and farmworker activity in the State. Such needs may include but are not limited to: employment, training, and housing.
- 4. Outreach Activities
The local offices outreach activities must be designed to meet the needs of MSFWs in the State and to locate and contact MSFWs who are not being reached through normal intake activities. Describe the State agency's proposed strategies for:
- 4. Outreach Activities
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (AOP). Each State agency must develop an AOP every four years as part of the Unified or Combined State Plan required under sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. The AOP must include an assessment of need. An assessment need describes the unique needs of farmworkers in the area based on past and projected agricultural and farmworker activity in the State. Such needs may include but are not limited to: employment, training, and housing.
e. 4. C. Increasing outreach worker training and awareness across core programs including the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program and the training on identification of UI eligibility issues
Current Narrative:
C. Increasing outreach worker training and awareness across core programs including the Unemployment Insurance program and the training on identification of UI eligibility issues.
The State Monitor Advocate also seeks coordination with agencies and organizations on the federal, state and local levels that might be able to assist with regular concerns expressed by Maryland’s agricultural communities. Outreach workers and the State Monitor seek out opportunities to keep current with new trends in farming, monitoring publications and newsletters related to agriculture, as well as networking through outreach to various organizations at available public meetings. For example, the small local publication, “Homegrown Frederick,” reports that local small distilleries, and micro-brewers are testing which grains grow best in Maryland. They are collaborating with local farmers to supply their grains and to reduce possible risks of crop failures by identifying the best varieties for local conditions.
The State Monitor Advocate monitors farming related publications to identify trends in farming and to learn of possible new opportunities for farmers. New, as reported in the “Homegrown Frederick” publication is the partnering of local brewers and distillers with local farmers. With the goal of buying their grains locally, companies are determining which grains grow best in Maryland, to reduce risk to farmers. As grains require less farm workers, this helps farmers meet the challenge of remaining in farming despite the shrinking population of farm workers.
MD Labor will seek connections with organization that work with MSFW populations and invite these organization to partner on outreach efforts. Organizations will be invited and encouraged to be part of AJC activities and training to ensure all partners have an awareness of programs available to assist MSFW populations.
Finally, outreach staff are provided training concerning the unemployment insurance processes related to basic eligibility and applying for unemployment insurance benefits. Staff have access to the Maryland Unemployment Insurance guide that is posted online at http://www.labor.maryland.gov/employment/clmtguide/uiclmtpamphlet.pdf as well as can be printed and the BRI pamphlet and smaller version of the guide. Staff are trained to provide “meaningful assistance” around filing and claimant rights and responsibilities. These staff members provide UI claim-filing assistance, if requested or if the individual is identified as needing services due to barriers such as limited English proficiency, disabilities, or other barriers.