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- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
a. 3. Describe strategies developed to support training and awareness across core programs and the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program and the training provided for Employment Services and WIOA staff on identification of UI eligibility issues and referral to UI staff for adjudication
Current Narrative:
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Workforce Development (WFD) Divisions work closely together to meet the employment needs of UI recipients. Wagner-Peyser funded staff (labor exchange staff) in the One-Stop Career Centers meet face-to-face with UI recipients, document that they are registered for work, review their job search activities and make referrals to available jobs, WIOA training and other community resources as appropriate.
One-Stop Career Centers staff are continuously kept informed on the UI claims process and given information on changes to the state UI program to ensure that staff can assist individuals in filing claims. Trainings on UI related issues are completed annually for all targeted areas. When there are changes to UI, in areas that affect claimants and/or information that needs to be provided to jobseekers, UI and WFD leadership works closely together to assure that training and information is dispensed accurately, efficiently, and in a timely manner.
Written communication between UI and labor exchange staff is conducted via e–mail when there are UI programmatic changes, and other updates related to claimants that Wagner-Peyser (WP) staff members need to know. Typically, the updates are shared through an administrative memo, and distributed to all WFD staff, which can be easily referenced by staff. In addition to written communication, webinars, in-person training and SKYPE sessions are conducted for labor exchange staff to inform of changes or new initiatives.
Labor exchange and UI staff members communicate regularly and coordinate any UI law, program or service changes. Dialogue between the UI and WFD division leaders result in shared and agreed upon best practices, training and processes to assist in the parameters of eligibility issues and when it is best to work with UI staff. Written guidance letters and processes are available via webinars, conference calls and informational printed materials.