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Located in:

c. Describe the State’s strategy for providing reemployment assistance to UI claimants and other unemployed individuals

Current Narrative:

(c) Describe the State’s strategy for providing reemployment assistance to UI claimants and other unemployed individuals.

DWDAL and the DUI work collaboratively to provide workforce development opportunities to all UI claimants, totally and partially unemployed, in Maryland. This is accomplished utilizing a variety of strategies including initial mailers from DUI describing the requirement for workforce enrollment and call in of claimants for RESEA or ROW activities. Under the Maryland UI law, claimants must register in Maryland’s AJC system within five days of receiving the UI pamphlet. Claimants must register either in person by visiting their nearest AJC career center or via the internet at https://mwejobs.maryland.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx. A list of Maryland’s AJCs is included as part of the mailed pamphlet.

WIOA increases connections between UI and reemployment services and the UI system. Maryland offers its full array of AJC Services, including basic and individual career services and training services under WIOA. UI claimants will benefit from the enhanced services, including the labor exchange services and career guidance that are included as career services under Title I as well as activities that assist workers in identifying and obtaining jobs in in-demand industries and occupations. Maryland utilizes permanent Wagner-Peyser staff to conduct RESEA activities under Title III WIOA changes. From the UI first pay list, claimants most likely to exhaust benefits are selected to take part in the RESEA program along with UCX claimants. The remaining claimants will be assigned to the ROW. RESEA claimants may be referred to ROW as a result of the RESEA after the eligibility review and if determined that it will assist in reducing the length of unemployment. Historically, Maryland’s Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services (WPRS) system identifies between 20,000-30,000 claimants annually.

Maryland’s purchase of the REX module will allow the State to establish a single web-based common intake portal for both workforce registration and filing of unemployment claims. The common registration function will allow for seamless transition between UI and workforce platforms.