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- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
c. Describe the State’s strategy for providing reemployment assistance to UI claimants and other unemployed individuals
Current Narrative:
UI Re-employment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) staff is responsible for the delivery of the RESEA program. WFD Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) staff deliver services with the TAA program. The goal of each of these programs is re-employment.
In Vermont, all claimants who are selected to participate in RESEA are required to participate in an in-person orientation that provides them with re-employment information, resources that are available to them through the One-Stop Career Centers such as resume writing, tips for interviewing, career exploration, and referrals to community resources.
Labor exchange staff also assist with rapid response events across the state by helping impacted workers find new jobs. Workers who are not interested in training opportunities, but rather need to get back to work as quickly as possible are assisted by labor exchange staff.
The TAA program provides participants with comprehensive of re-employment assistance including an in–depth assessment, career exploration and planning, case management support, and if needed for reemployment, classroom training or on–the–job training.
RESEA works with UI customers who are profiled as likely to exhaust UI benefits. The RESEA activities consist of a One-Stop Career Center orientation, job search activity overview, community resource overview and referral to WIOA One-Stop services. Due to the increased focus of service integration and the increase in funding opportunities, the RESEA program will be looking to expand the service delivery model to include as many UI claimants as possible, instead of limiting the program to those most likely to exhaust and unemployment claimants.
The RESEA program design has been shown to increase participant’s competitive advantage by returning claimants to work for up to an average of at least two weeks earlier, thereby reducing the average duration of their claim.