Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation (Blind)
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan [13] must include the following descriptions and estimates, as required by section 101(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of WIOA:
[13] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(iii) of WIOA
k. 2. A. The VR Program;
Current Narrative:
DBVI estimates the following number of individuals will receive services for FFY 2021:
- Individuals who are not students (including all ages) who receive services in the DBVI VR program = 250 served.
- Individuals who are deaf-blind (Using the HKNC definition) =10 each year.
- Students who receive Pre-ETS services as a Pre-Application student = 20.
- Students in high school and open in the DBVI VR program = 40 each year.
- Students in college =10.
The case services budget for providing services in FFY 2021 is estimated at $550,000.
The pre-ETS budget for students is estimated at $200,000.
The Vermont Department of Education has indicated in their “Unduplicated Child Count” report that there are approximately 50 eligible or potentially eligible students in secondary education who are blind, visually impaired, or Deaf-Blind in the school year.
Pre-ETS Budget Forecasting
Pre-employment transition services are comprised of the five required activities and nine authorized activities. There must be enough funds available to be able to offer the five required activities to students with disabilities. If there is any money remaining, that money is used towards the nine authorized activities.
FFY 1019--As of September 30, 2019:
- $230,000 (15% reserve requirement + carry over/re-allotment)
- $10,000 was spent on staff time and associated expenses
- $100,000 for Coordination In contracts (LEAP, CCS)
- $120,000 was spent on the 5 required Pre-ETS Transition Service Areas.
- $3,500 Average Cost Per Student for the 5 required Pre-ETS Services (based on 35 students).
- $0 was spent/encumbered on the nine authorized pre-employment transition services
Calculation: Agency 15% Reserve Requirement= $230,000; Number of students served=35; Total Pre-ETS Required Activities= $120,000; Average Cost Per Student= $3;500 Total Pre-ETS Coordination Activities= $110,000; Total Pre-ETS Expenditures= $230,000; Amount Available for Authorized Activities= $0
Projections for FFY 2020 and 2021:
- $220,000 (15% reserve requirement + carry over/re-allotment)
- $10,000 was spent on staff time and associated expenses
- $100,000 for Coordination In contracts (LEAP, CCS)
- $110,000 was spent on the 5 required Pre-ETS Transition Service Areas.
- $3,500 Average Cost Per Student for the 5 required Pre-ETS Services (based on 35 students).
- $0 was spent/encumbered on the nine authorized pre-employment transition services
Calculation: Agency 15% Reserve Requirement= $220,000; Number of students served=35; Total Pre-ETS Required Activities= $110,000; Average Cost Per Student= $3;200 Total Pre-ETS Coordination Activities= $110,000; Total Pre-ETS Expenditures= $220,000; Amount Available for Authorized Activities= $0
A statewide estimate of students exiting/graduating high school at the end of SY 2020 is 14 students. The were 10 students statewide who graduated in SY 2019.
DBVI considers a student with a disability to be:
- Between the ages of 14 and 21;
- Is in an educational program; and
- Is eligible for and receiving special education or related services under IDEA or is an individual with a disability for purposes of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act