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e. 6. C. Data Assessment

Review the previous four years Wagner-Peyser data reports on performance. Note whether the State has been meeting its goals to provide MSFWs quantitatively proportionate services as compared to non-MSFWs. If it has not met these goals, explain why the State believes such goals were not met and how the State intends to improve its provision of services in order to meet such goals.

Current Narrative:

Statewide assessments have shown an opportunity to increase services directly provided to migrants. The state has had limited success in referrals to employment, referrals to supportive services and MSFWs placed in jobs. Referrals for career guidance, job development, and to staff assisted services and placement in non-agricultural jobs is an area that could be improved through quarterly monitoring of performance. If individuals identify themselves as MSFWs during the online registration process on Vermont Job Link, their profiles will be flagged for follow up so that they may be notified of services available in the One-Stop Career Centers.