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Located in:

d. 1. Coordination of and provision of labor exchange services for UI claimants as required by the Wagner-Peyser Act;

Current Narrative:

Labor exchange services in local One-Stop Career Centers are based on an all-inclusive philosophy; there are no eligibility requirements or program specific requirements as a barrier to accessing comprehensive, quality, group and individual services provided by labor exchange staff.

Labor exchange staff make certain UI claimants are aware of the services available to them while working toward their next employment opportunity. Labor exchange staff enter specific UI claimant information into the Vermont JobLink computer database to document services accessed by the claimant. 

There is a close working relationship between the UI and WFD, enhancing the ability to coordinate services in the One-Stop Career Centers regarding UI claimants. Locating RESEA activities within the One-Stop Career Centers strengthens the service delivery, referrals to additional resources and access to community resources.