Located in:
- Program-Specific Requirements for Wagner-Peyser Program (Employment Services)
All Program-Specific Requirements provided for the WIOA core programs in this section must be addressed for either a Unified or Combined State Plan.
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (AOP). Each State agency must develop an AOP every four years as part of the Unified or Combined State Plan required under sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. The AOP must include an assessment of need. An assessment need describes the unique needs of farmworkers in the area based on past and projected agricultural and farmworker activity in the State. Such needs may include but are not limited to: employment, training, and housing.
- 4. Outreach Activities
The local offices outreach activities must be designed to meet the needs of MSFWs in the State and to locate and contact MSFWs who are not being reached through normal intake activities. Describe the State agency's proposed strategies for:
- 4. Outreach Activities
- e. Agricultural Outreach Plan (AOP). Each State agency must develop an AOP every four years as part of the Unified or Combined State Plan required under sections 102 or 103 of WIOA. The AOP must include an assessment of need. An assessment need describes the unique needs of farmworkers in the area based on past and projected agricultural and farmworker activity in the State. Such needs may include but are not limited to: employment, training, and housing.
e. 4. A. Contacting farmworkers who are not being reached by the normal intake activities conducted by the employment service offices
Current Narrative:
(A) Contacting Farmworkers who are not being reached by the normal intake activities conducted by the employment service offices.
Outreach workers employ a variety of strategies to contact MSFWs who are not being reached by the normal intake activities conducted through the State’s AJC network. MD Labor’s MSFW Outreach Workers regularly visit local farms to provide MSFWs with information on available employment services, offering brochures and handouts that describe where AJCs and other organizations and resources are located and how they can be accessed. Outreach workers will provide MSFWs with information related to bilingual assistance, educational and training programs, health clinics, day care services, transportation resources, and immigration assistance, as appropriate.
Outreach Workers monitor the MWE to identify MSFWs who register remotely. When a potential MSFW is identified through MWE, staff will contact the individual via phone, email or letter to provide information on the full array of AJC services and invite participation. In addition, FLC staff provide information on farmworker rights, the Employment Service and Employment-Related Law system, and support services to any H-2A workers and MSFWs they encounter on work site visits. Mobile job centers equipped with computers are available in some Local Areas, enabling MSFWs to use the MWE system, a job search tool designed for job seekers, employers, training providers, workforce professionals, and others seeking workforce services. MWE provides fast access, in both English and Spanish, to a complete set of employment tools.