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i. 2. Plan for Recruitment, Preparation and Retention of Qualified Personnel

Describe the development and implementation of a plan to address the current and projected needs for qualified personnel including, the coordination and facilitation of efforts between the designated State unit and institutions of higher education and professional associations to recruit, prepare, and retain personnel who are qualified, including personnel from minority backgrounds and personnel who are individuals with disabilities.

Current Narrative:

DBVI recruits qualified personnel through The University of Southern Maine, Assumption College, University of Massachusetts, and Springfield College of Human Services who have received a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling.  These graduates meet the highest standard of education and are able to obtain certification at the highest level for this field.  DBVI also recruits qualified personnel in a related field such as Social Work, Special Education, School Guidance, Mental Health Counseling, or Community Mental Health Services from New England colleges by posting positions on internal employment pages of the various college websites.  These candidates for counseling vacancies are considered if they are willing to complete the four core rehabilitation courses.

DBVI also recruits professionals with an expertise in rehabilitation and knowledge of visual diagnoses and the implications of visual disability.  State personnel policies require DBVI to consider qualified applicants on the Reduction in Force list before other applicants.  DBVI also advertises openings through the State recruitment system, through local newspapers and makes every effort to include individuals with disabilities and minority backgrounds to ensure a diverse qualified professional staff.  DBVI also recruits interested and qualified consumers, both past and present, to provide services to Vermonters with vision impairments. 

Rehabilitation Associates and Associate Counselors are recruited with a strong preference given to those with bachelor’s degrees and a strong commitment to blind services.  Rehabilitation Associates or Associate Counselors with a bachelor’s degree are encouraged to take the CSPD required master’s level courses.  They are encouraged to pursue a master’s level program in preparation for retention and promotion of qualified personnel.  Through flexible work schedules and approved time off, DBVI makes it convenient for staff to pursue advanced degrees and education.  DBVI supports staff members who want to further their relevant education. 

DBVI supports staff and their professional development through public recognition and opportunities for job advancement through a developed career ladder within the division.  New staff participate in comprehensive orientation and training program that covers information appropriate to serving individuals who have vision loss as well as policy and procedure.  Trainings address the implications of visual loss and services such as orientation and mobility, rehabilitation teaching, and low vision service.  In addition, training and consultation occurs with our rehabilitation technology consultant on an ongoing basis.  DBVI ensures a high standard of qualified personnel with training directed toward an expertise for working with people with visual impairment.