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c. 1. Federal, State, and local agencies and programs;

Current Narrative:

DBVI Counselors collaborate with the statewide network of Teachers of the Visually Impaired at the Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (VABVI). VABVI is a non-profit organization and is funded by AOE and Local Education Agencies to provide statewide services. Each DBVI counselor meets regularly with the TVI(s) in their region to discuss students transition needs. DBVI and VABVI leadership meet monthly to discuss ways to collaborate and communicate about important issues. The VABVI adult service providers for Rehabilitation Teaching and O+M are contracted on a fee-for-service basis to provide adaptive training that is needed at Work-Based leaning sites. This partnership with VABVI TVI(s), Rehabilitation Teachers, and O+M Specialists is statewide and connects all visually impaired students to DBVI Counselors to address transition and adaptive skill needs.

For out-of-school youth, DBVI does coordinate services with WIOA partners including AOE and Vermont Adult Basic Education. DBVI has regular meetings with these partners.