Located in:
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities under Title I-B
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following with respect to activities carried out under subtitle B—
- c. With respect to youth workforce investment activities authorized in section 129 of WIOA—
With respect to youth workforce investment activities authorized in section 129 of WIOA—
- c. With respect to youth workforce investment activities authorized in section 129 of WIOA—
c. 3. Describe how the state will ensure that all 14 program elements described in WIOA section 129(c)(2) are made available and effectively implemented, including quality pre-apprenticeship programs under the work experience program element. [12]
[12] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(i)(I)
Current Narrative:
VDOL is committed to providing high quality services for youth and young adults including: career exploration and guidance, continuing support for educational attainment, developing opportunities for skills training in in-demand industries and occupations, connecting participants with real work-based learning and training experiences. These services are intended to result in a job in the career pathway of interest to the participant or enrollment in postsecondary education. VDOL provides intensive case management for youth participants, and is increasingly adopting stronger approaches to supporting employers during work placements.
VDOL places an emphasis on professional development One-Stop Career Center staff so case managers are prepared to support the challenges that disadvantaged youth face. Professional development opportunities include: motivational interviewing, case management training, financial literacy and mental health training. VDOL is pursuing a partnership with the Annie E. Cassey Foundation to better serve at-risk teens and young adults. This partnership will help staff develop a more individualized approach to career exploration and service delivery to build on strengths and develop a path to sustainable careers.
Eligible participants in the youth program engage in a comprehensive review of the 14 program elements with VDOL case managers and develop an Individual Service Strategy (ISS) based on objective and subjective assessments and career counseling. VDOL takes a coordinated, team approach to providing the 14 program elements to participants. Case managers consider how to leverage resources through co-enrollment and appropriate partner program referrals to assist in meeting the participants goals.
VDOL ensures that all 14 program elements are made available and effectively implemented, by organizing a menu of options for a case manager and participant to consider, in collaboration with other State agencies, non-profit organizations, employers and community-based organizations. The specific partners that provide the program elements are listed below, in order of the program element that they provide. The provision of the program elements varies depending on the area of the State served and the particular needs of that area’s Youth population.
- Tutoring, study skills training, instruction, and evidence-based dropout prevention and recovery strategies that lead to high school diploma (or its recognized equivalent) or to a recognized postsecondary credential;
Local AEL Providers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Northlands JobCorps
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Career and Technical Education Providers
Higher Education Partners such as Community College of Vermont (CCV)
Community High School of Vermont
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Youth Services
HCRS Jobs Program
Local schools
- Alternative secondary school services, or dropout recovery services, as appropriate;
Local AEL Providers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Community Action Agencies (CAA)
Spectrum Youth Services
Northlands JobCorps
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Career and Technical Education Providers
Higher Education Partners such as Community College of Vermont (CCV)
Community High School of Vermont
Vermont Works for Women
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Youth Services
- Paid and unpaid work experiences with both an academic and an occupational component, including summer employment opportunities and other employment opportunities throughout school year; pre-apprenticeship programs; internships and job shadowing; and on-the-job training opportunities;
Local employers
Vocational Rehabilitation: Creative Workforce Solutions
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Career and Technical Education Providers
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VYCC)
Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program
Regional Development Corporations (RDCs)
Youth Services
- Occupational skill training (priority given to training programs that lead to recognized postsecondary credentials aligned with in-demand industry sectors or occupations);
Community Action Agencies (CAA)
Spectrum Youth Services
Northlands JobCorps
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Career and Technical Education Providers
Vermont Works for Women
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program
CDL Certificate Programs
Private training providers (e.g., Advanced Welding Institute)
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Youth Services
- Education offered at the same time, and in the same context as preparation activities and training for a specific occupation;
Local AEL Providers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Community Action Agencies (CAA)
Spectrum Youth Services
Northlands JobCorps
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Career and Technical Education Providers
Community High School of Vermont
Vermont Works for Women
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VYCC)
Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Youth Services
- Leadership development opportunities (including community service; activities encouraging positive social and civic behaviors);
Vermont Youth Employment Program
Vermont Works for Women
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VYCC)
Northlands JobCorps
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Local Rotaries and Chambers of Commerce
Youth Services
Emerging Leaders – Bennington
- Supportive services
Vocational Rehabilitation
Community Action Agencies (CAA)
Spectrum Youth Services
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Unemployment Insurance Program (UI)
SNAP – 3SquaresVT
TANF – ReachUp
HCRS Jobs Program
Youth Services
- Adult mentoring;
Vocational Rehabilitation
Local AEL Providers
Spectrum Youth Services
Northlands JobCorps
ReSourceVT, including the YouthBuild Program
Vermont Works for Women
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VYCC)
Vermont Registered Apprenticeship Program
Easter Seals
Big Brother/Big Sister Programs
My Brother’s Keeper
Outright Vermont
Windham County Sheriffs’ Department
Rotary Clubs
Youth Services
HCRS Jobs Program
- Follow-up services;
VDOL case managers provide follow-up services
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling (including drug and alcohol abuse
counseling and referral);
Private Counselors
Addiction Recovery Centers
Designated Mental Health Agencies
Easter Seals
Big Brother/Big Sister Programs
Outright Vermont
Windham County Sheriffs’ Department
Youth Services
- Financial Literacy Education
Department for Children and Families (DCF)
Community Action Agencies (CAA)
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
TANF – Reach Up
Local Banks, Vermont State Employee Credit Union (VSECU)
Small Business Association (SBA)
VDOL’s Financial Reality Fair
Adult Education and Literacy Providers
HCRS Jobs Program
The Vermont Agency of Human Services’ Department for Children and Families has sponsored training events and projects to deliver a version of the curriculum called “Your Money, Your Goals”. This curriculum was developed by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, and has been implemented by several of Vermont DCF’s offices, including the Office of Economic Opportunity, and Vermont’s TANF administrator, called Reach Up. The Reach Up program is currently in piloting a project in four Vermont districts, where Post- Secondary Education (PSE) program participants are placed into financial coaching sessions with Community Action Partner (CAP) agencies. There are several banks and credit unions that provide statewide financial literacy education and other entrepreneurial skills training (e.g., Vermont State Employees Credit Union (VSECU)).
- Entrepreneurial skills training;
Community Action Agencies (CAA)
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
Small Business Association (SBA)
Windham Grows
13. Provide labor market and employment information about in-demand industry or occupations in local areas (career awareness, career counseling, and career exploration services): and
VDOL’s Economic and Labor Market Information Division
Local Employers and Chambers of Commerce
Career and Technical Education Centers
- Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Department for Children and Families (DCF)
Community College of Vermont (CCV) and Vermont Technical College (VTC)
Youth Services
Local Workforce Investment Boards or Alliances