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c. 1. Identify the State-developed criteria to be used by local boards in awarding grants or contracts for youth workforce investment activities and describe how the local boards will take into consideration the ability of the providers to meet performance accountability measures based on primary indicators of performance for the youth program as described in section 116(b)(2)(A)(ii) of WIOA in awarding such grants or contracts.[11]

[11] Sec. 102(b)(2)(D)(i)(V)

Current Narrative:

As a single-area state, Vermont does not subaward youth funding to local areas. The VDOL receives all of the youth program funding and works with its twelve One-Stop Career Centers to deliver services to individuals and employers at the local level.

The VDOL occasionally solicits proposals for grants or contracts from One-Stop or community partners to carry out activities or services using youth program funding. On these occasions, the VDOL follows the State’s procurement and contracting policy and policy for grant issuance and monitoring, as defined in the Agency of Administration Bulletins 3.5 and 5. All contractors and grantees are required to follow both state and federal requirements. Additionally, the VDOL requires all youth program activities not performed by the VDOL to be conducted in close coordination with the youth program manager, regional managers and local caseworkers. This coordination ensures the performance is being measured and opportunities are leveraging one another to maximize One-Stop partner involvement.

In program years 2020-2022 the VDOL expects to continue prioritizing paid work experiences and on-the-job learning and training opportunities to increase Vermont’s youth labor participation rate. This includes new emphasis on developing paid work experiences, OJTs, and internships that exist throughout the year, not just in the summer. The VDOL is exploring how new partnerships with industry organizations and community-based service providers will help expand the development of opportunities with employers. Additionally, state policies related to increasing postsecondary credential attainment align with the youth program aims to increase measurable skill gains and credential attainment.