Located in:
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities under Title I-B
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following with respect to activities carried out under subtitle B—
- d. Single-area State Requirements
In States where there is only one local workforce investment area, the governor serves as both the State and local chief elected official. In such cases, the State must submit any information required in the local plan (WIOA section 106(d)(2)). States with a single workforce area must include—
- d. Single-area State Requirements
d. 5. The competitive process used to award the subgrants and contracts for title I activities.
Current Narrative:
VDOL adheres to the State of Vermont’s Procurement and Contracting Procedures (Agency of Administration Bulletin 3.5) and Policy for Grant Issuance and Monitoring (Agency of Administration Bulletin 5) respectively.