Located in:
- Program-specific Requirements for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Activities under Title I-B
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include the following with respect to activities carried out under subtitle B—
a. 2. A. Provide State policies or guidance for the statewide workforce development system and for use of State funds for workforce investment activities
Current Narrative:
Vermont uses its authority to set aside 15% of Title I Funds to support employment and training activities under WIOA, as described in 20 CFR § 682.200. Decisions about how to spend the 15% reserve are made by the Commissioner of Labor as the head of the State Workforce Agency (SWA) and designated leader of workforce development in state statute. Vermont will also reserve 20% of the dislocated worker funds to conduct rapid response activities.
As a Single-Area State, it is the responsibility of VDOL to ensure that all applicable federal and state regulations and guidance pertaining to the use of each individual funding source for workforce investment activities are followed.