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b. 4. Describe how the State will implement and monitor the priority for public assistance recipients, other low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient in accordance with the requirements of WIOA sec. 134(c)(3)(E), which applies to individualized career services and training services funded by the Adult Formula program

Current Narrative:

In Chapter 2 of the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Policy and Procedural Manual, the VDOL states that priority of career and training services funded by and provided through the adult program shall be given to recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient. Veterans also receive priority service. These policies reiterate the requirement to prioritize individualized career and training services to individuals with the most barriers to employment and to provide them with opportunities to benefit from employment and training services.

Many of the individuals the VDOL serves are considered low-income or likely eligible for public assistance and have substantial need and documented significant barriers to employment. The VDOL determines whether an individual meets priority of service requirements through the initial assessment process. Approved assessment tools and minimum passing scores are utilized in determining whether an individual is basic skill deficient. In addition, staff are provided with updated charts to determine if a person qualifies as low income. Staff record the priority of service category in the Vermont Job Link (VJL) case management record and maintain a record of verification documents in the case file. The VDOL Workforce Development Division central office staff provide training and technical assistance to the local staff to assist in prioritizing individualized career services and training services to those adults who are low income, on public assistance, basic skills deficient, or are veterans. Central office staff also perform the annual WIOA programmatic monitoring, including: desk monitoring and onsite interviews with staff and review of participant files, for adherence to federal law, regulations, and state policies.

The VDOL partners with Vermont’s SNAP E&T Program to assist those individuals in obtaining the training and career enhancement resources needed to successfully enter the labor force. The majority of individuals enrolled in the SNAP E&T Program meet the public assistance, low-income and basic skills deficiency definitions.  As a key partner in this program, the VDOL is a direct referral source to WIOA services, which may lead to co-enrollment.

Collaboration among community partners also leads to additional referrals which meet the priority of service targets. Key community partners include Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Vocational Rehabilitation, Adult Education and Family Literacy subgrantees, and Community Action Agencies. The VDOL also works closely with the Vermont Department of Corrections and Community Justice Centers to assist individuals exiting the corrections system and reentering the workforce.  Additionally, the VDOL embeds staff in addiction recovery centers regularly, to assist individuals in accessing the career and employment supports necessary to be successful in the workforce when they are ready to reenter.