Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 1. A. State operating systems that support coordinated implementation of State strategies (e.g., labor market information systems, data systems, communication systems, case-management systems, job banks, etc.)
Current Narrative:
AOE tracks the skill gains and secondary school graduation rates of participants through a web-based, relational database. The database houses each AEL participant’s engagement in postsecondary education and employment outcomes obtained through data matches with service provider partners. Using the database, the AOE also tracks adult education and literacy provider training and activities. Providers are responsible for real-time data entry and are able to pull a range of reports to support program monitoring and improvement efforts. The database is aligned to the reporting parameters of the National Reporting System of the U.S. Department of Education and meets its assurances for data quality. The AOE has an electronic communication system in place with the AEL field in the form of an e-mail distribution list. Similarly, distribution lists of principals, superintendents, and other key stakeholders are maintained by the AOE.
VR and DBVI track all consumer services through Aware case tracking system. This system collects demographic, service, expenditure, and participant-level data. The system is used for all required federal reporting for both the DVR and DBVI programs. The system is managed by the DVR Program Evaluation Unit. This Unit matches data to other administrative data sources such as the State Unemployment Insurance Wage Reporting System and the SWIS to report and evaluate services across programs.
Communication at the state level includes core partner program representation on the SWDB and its Operating Committee, and regular strategic meetings between the heads of the core partner programs. In order to advance the specific discussions around operating systems and policies, the core partner programs have identified key priorities, and instated monthly subgroup meetings to work on those priority issues. The meeting participants include staff and directors from the VDOL, the AOE, the DVR, and as appropriate. The meetings focus notably on issues of cross training, colocation and common intake, data sharing, and common performance measures.
The VDOL’s Economic and Labor Market Information (LMI) Division provides labor market information through a variety of avenues. VDOL staff are available to provide labor market information presentations, workshops, products, and other services to the SWDB, one-stop centers, core partners, one-stop partners, community partners, and employers. Labor market information is available online on Vermont Job Link (VJL) through the American Job Link Alliance, and on the website www.vtlmi.info. This website is Vermont’s online resource for labor market information as supported by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA). All core partners have real-time access to this information, and receive technical assistance regarding the optimal use of the website. Core partners are also all members of Vermont’s Economic and Labor Market Information Division data listserv, which circulates news and other updates, in particular regarding new labor market information data products.
Labor Exchange System. Both labor exchange and workforce development programs are managed using VJL as a case management system. VJL is the VDOL’s primary data collection and information exchange system. VJL provides client tracking, case management support, and federal reporting services. The system operates through a Citrix interface that provides the user with the flexibility to conduct job searches and receive referrals to open positions. Program participants including UI, WIOA, Wagner-Peyser, TAA, RESEA, and ICAN are all required to register on VJL in order to receive services. VDOL employees can access the system through any VDOL office or while on the road through a secure portal. VJL collects and tracks data for the following programs: WIOA Title I youth, adult, and dislocated worker programs, including Vermont’s Rapid Response activities; Trade Adjustment activities; Jobs for Veterans Program; Migrant Seasonal Farmworker activities; and employment assistance services such as RESEA. VDOL’s Apprenticeship program currently uses a portion of our legacy system (IDEM) in anticipation of moving to a new system, along with VJL to track and register apprenticeships. VJL will be used more extensively in the next year in managing Registered Apprenticeship data, the Eligible Training provider list, ICAN (SNAP E & T), and processing Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) applications.