Located in:
Other Appendices
Current Narrative:
Acronym | Definition |
ACAP | Aroostook County Action Program |
ACCUPLACER | Assessment to identify student academic readiness |
ACS | American Community Survey |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADATAC | Americans with Disabilities Act Technical Assistance Center |
AE | Adult Education; Maine Department of Education |
AEFLA | Adult Education and Family Literacy Act |
AJC | American Job Centers |
AJLA | America's Job Link Alliance, makers of Maine Job Link (MJL) |
ALC | All Learning Counts; Grant received by the University of Maine system from the Lumina Foundation |
ANI | Adult Numeric Instruction |
AOP | Agriculture Outreach Plan |
ARS | Agricultural Recruitment System |
ASPIRE | Additional Support for People in Retraining and Employment |
ATEC | Aroostook Training and Education Coalition |
BES | Bureau of Employment Services; Maine Department of Labor |
BRS | Bureau of Rehabilitation Services; Maine Department of Labor |
BUC | Bureau of Unemployment Compensation; Maine Department of Labor |
CASAS | Competency-based Assessment System or eCASAS |
CAST | Center for Applied Special Technology |
CCR-SIA | College Career Readiness- Standards in Actions |
CCRS | College and Career Readiness Standards |
CCWI | Coastal Counties Workforce Board |
CDE | Commission on Disability and Employment; a subcommittee of the State Workforce Board |
CEDS | Community Economic Development Strategy |
CEO | Chief Elected Officials; County Commissioners who sit on the Local Workforce Boards (LWB) |
CRA | Complaint Resolution Administrator |
CTE | Career and Technical Education |
CTE | Career and Technical Education part of Maine Department of Education |
CWMWDB | Central Western Maine Workforce Development Board |
CWRI | Center for Workforce Research and Information; Maine Department of Labor |
DAFS | Department of Administration and Financial Services |
DBVI | Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired; part of the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services in the Maine Department of Labor |
DECD | Department of Economic and Community Development |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services |
DOC | Department of Corrections |
DVOP | Disabled Veterans Outreach Program |
DVR | Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; part of the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services in the Maine Department of Labor |
DWG | Dislocated Worker grant |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunity |
EFL | educational functioning level |
ELA | English language arts |
EMDC | Eastern Maine Development Corporation |
EPTL | Education Provider Training List; list of providers approved to provide WIOA funded training |
ES | Employment Services |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages aka ELL. Replaces the term ESL (English as a Second Language) |
ETA | Employment and Training Administration |
ETPL | Eligible Training Provider List |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
FAME | Finance Authority of Maine |
FLC | Foreign Labor Certification |
FSET | Food Supplement Employment & Training |
GEPA | General Education Provisions Act |
H2A | Temporary work visa for migrant workers |
H2B | Temporary visa which used primarily for seasonal workers |
HiSet | High school equivalency exam |
HOPE | Higher Opportunity for Pathways to Employment |
IELCE | Integrated English Literacy Civics Education |
IET | Integrated education and training |
INA | Indian and Native American (programs) |
IRP | Individualized Reemployment Plan |
IT | Information Technology |
ITAC | Information Technology Accessibility Committee |
JVSG | Jobs for Veterans State Grant |
LIFT | Leveraging Investments in Families for Tomorrow |
LVER | Local Veterans Employment Representatives |
LWB | Local Workforce Board |
MaineEARNS | Maine Education and Attainment Research Navigation System |
MAP | Maine Apprenticeship Program |
MCC /MCCS | Maine Community College (system) |
MCCA | Maine College and Career Access is a program offered by Maine Adult Education |
MCT | Maine College Transition |
MDOL | Maine Department of Labor |
MEMA | Maine Emergency Management Association |
MEP | Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnerships |
MIS | management information systems |
MJL | Maine Job Link system which is used as case management system by CareerCenters. Built by AJLA and replaced Maine’s JobBank system. |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MQC | Maine Quality Centers a program of the Maine Community College System |
MSFW | Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers |
NAMI | National Alliance on Mental Illness |
NASWA | National Association of State Workforce Agencies |
NCCER | National Center for Construction Education and Research |
NEG | National Emergency Grant |
NETAAC | New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center |
NFJP | Farmworkers Jobs Program |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NRS | National Reporting System for Adult Education |
NVME | New Ventures Maine |
NWDB | Northeastern Workforce Development Board |
OCTAE | Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education; US Department of Education |
OJT | On the Job Training |
OSHA-10 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration training |
OWC | Older Worker Committee; a subcommittee of the State Workforce Board |
RAP | Reading Apprenticeship Program |
RESEA /REA | Reemployment Service and Eligibility Assessment |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RSA | Rehabilitation Services Administration |
RSI | Reemployment and Systems Integration |
SBE | Veterans with Significant Barriers to Employment |
SCSEP | Senior Community Services Employment Program |
SMA | State Monitor Advocate |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
SNAP E&T | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education and Training |
SSI/ SSDI | Social Security Insurance/ Social Security Disability Insurance |
STAR | Student Achievement in Reading training |
SWA | State Workforce Agency |
SWAT | State Workforce Assistance Team |
SWB | State Workforce Board |
SWIS | State Wage Interchange System |
TAA | Trade Adjustment Assistance |
TAC | Technical Assistance Circular document provided by USDOL to expand or clarify regulations |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; a DHHS program |
UI | Unemployment insurance may refer to either the program and the agency |
UMS | University of Maine System |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture (federal) |
USDOL | United States Department of Labor (federal) |
VETS | Veterans Employment and Training Services |
VR | Vocational Rehabilitation; could stand for either the agency Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the service provided. |
WARN Act | Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act |
WDQI | Workforce Data Quality Initiative |
WDS | Workforce Development System |
WEC | Women's Employment Committee; a subcommittee of the State Workforce Board |
WIA | Workforce Investment Act, predecessor to WIOA |
WIC | Women Infants and Children program |
WINTAC | Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center |
WIOA | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act |
WIPC | WIOA Implementation Policy Committee |
W.O.R.K. Services | Workforce Opportunities, Referrals and Knowledge services is a software application connecting the systems of Adult Education, Bureau of Employment Services and Vocational Rehabilitation |
WOTC | Work Opportunity Tax Credit |
WOWI | World of Work Inventory; career assessment |
WPRS | Worker Profiling Reemployment Services |
YBA | Youth Build |
Member | Affiliation | Position |
Kimberly Moore | MDOL | Director, Bureau of Employment Services |
Dawn Mealey | MDOL | Deputy Director, Bureau of Employment Services |
Dave Klein | MDOL | Division Director, Bureau of Employment Services |
Ginny Carroll | MDOL | Division Director, Policy & Evaluation, Bureau of Employment Services |
Gail Senese | MDOE | State Director, Adult Education & Family Literacy |
Kelley Heath | MDOE | Coordinator, Data and High School Completion |
Karen Fraser | MDOL | Director, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services |
Libby Stone-Sterling | MDOL | Director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation |
Brenda Drummond | MDOL | Director, Division for the Blind & Visually Impaired |
Joanna Russell | LWB | Executive Director, Northeastern Workforce Development Board |
Stacy Kilroy | LWB | Executive Director, Central/Western Maine Workforce Development Board |
Antoinette Mancusi | LWB | Executive Director, Coastal Counties Workforce Inc. |
Jillian Sample | LWB | Director of Operations, Coastal Counties Workforce Inc. |
Christopher Quint | MDOL | Director, State Workforce Board |
Joshua Howe | MDOL | Workforce Development Program Coordinator, State Workforce Board |
Cheryl Moran | MDOL | Labor Program Specialist, State Workforce Board |
This group meets monthly to monitor and review progress of the implementation of the plan, update necessary elements, and provide strategic support when required. Using a matrix of initiatives, the group can track the progress of elements as they move towards completion.
Central Western Workforce Development Board
Central Maine Community College, Auburn, ME
Name | Organization |
Joy Gould | Community Concepts |
Michelle Hawley | Central Maine Community College |
Diane Frigon | Maine Department of Labor |
Mary LaFontaine | Maine Department of Labor |
Jim Trundy | Western Maine Community Action |
Jeff Sneddon | Kennebec Valley Community College |
Tina Christophenson | Maine School Administrative District 17 Adult Education |
Sean Crothers | Maine Prisoner Re-entry Network |
Patti Gray | Maine Department of Labor |
Joan Dolan | Maine Department of Labor |
Kelly Aho | Bonney Staffing |
Cary Tyson | Kennebec Valley Council of Governments |
Dale Merrell | Central Western Maine Workforce Development Board |
Deputy Commissioner Kimberly Smith | Maine Department of Labor |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Jane Gilbert | Maine Department of Labor |
Grant Provost | Iron Workers Local 7 |
Amy Landry | Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments |
Julia Sleeper | Tree Street Youth Center |
Bill Grant | Lewiston Adult Education |
Northeastern Workforce Development Board
Brewer Community Center, Brewer, ME
Name | Organization |
Susan Cerini | Eastern Maine Development Corporation |
Jon Farley | Eastern Maine Development Corporation |
Lisa Shaw | Maine State Library |
Nichole Sawyer | Washington County Community College |
Rob Brown | Cooperative Development Institute |
Leah Buck | Northern Maine Community College |
Erin Benson | Aroostook County Action Program |
Liz Russell | Eastern Maine Community College |
Michael Carroll | Associates for Training and Development |
Ander Theboud | Regional School District 24 Adult Education |
Renee Doble | City of Brewer |
Christina Breen | Senator Angus King |
Joanna Russell | Northeastern Workforce Development Board |
Rebecca Bryant | Northeastern Workforce Development Board |
Dawn Mealy | Maine Department of Labor |
Patty Perry | Maine Department of Labor |
Deputy Commissioner Kimberly Smith | Maine Department of Labor |
Paul Ruggiero | Maine Department of Labor |
Melissa Harvey | Maine Department of Labor |
Andrea Bickford | Maine Department of Labor |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Megan Dichter | Maine Department of Education |
State Workforce Board;
MDOL Augusta, ME
Guy Langevin | Dead River |
Tracey Cooley | Job Corps |
John Fortier | State Farm Insurance |
Mary LaFontaine | Maine Department of Labor |
Jason Shedlock | Maine Building and Construction Trades Council |
Steve Gorden | Cumberland County Commissioner |
Mary Kate Reny | Renys |
Jen Fullmer | Boots 2 Roots |
Nathan Pelsma | Jobs for Maine Graduates |
Gail Senese | Maine Department of Education |
Karen Fraser | Maine Department of Labor |
Ashley Pringle | Maine & Company |
John Herweh | MMG Insurance |
Jon Mason | Bath Iron Works |
Jim Nimon | Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council |
Colleen Hilton | Northern Light Health |
Peter Baldacci | Penobscot County Commissioner |
Dan Belyea | Maine Community College System |
Deputy Commissioner Sarah Gagne-Holmes | Maine Department of Health and Human Services |
Deputy Commissioner Denise Garland | Maine Department of Economic and Community Development |
Grant Provost | Iron Workers Local 7 |
Greg Sweetser | Sweetser Orchards |
Luanne Ballesteros | The Jackson Laboratory |
Mike Sylvester | State Representative, Maine Legislature |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Joshua Howe | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Christopher Quint | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Commissioner Designees from State Agencies
MDOL Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME
Name | Organization |
Joan Cohen | Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation |
Dawn Mealey | Maine Department of Labor |
Commissioner Randy Liberty | Maine Department of Corrections |
Deputy Commissioner Denise Garland | Maine Department of Economic and Community Development |
Deputy Commissioner Kimberly Smith | Maine Department of Labor |
Evelyn de Frees | Maine Department of Labor |
Joshua Howe | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Holly Pomelow | Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services |
Anna Black | Maine Department of Corrections |
Liz Ray | Maine Department of Health and Human Services |
Tamara Ranger | Maine Department of Education |
Emily Doughty | Maine Department of Education |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Christopher Quint | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Mary Anne Turowski | Governor Janet Mills |
Dan Belyea | Maine Community College System |
Coastal Counties Workforce Development Board
MRRA Community Room, Brunswick, ME
Name | Organization |
Dawn Self Cooper | Maine Department of Labor |
Damas Rvpaba | Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center |
Christopher Arbour | Maine Department of Corrections |
Kim Moore | United Way of Greater Portland |
Deputy Commissioner Kimberly Smith | Maine Department of Labor |
Jason Shedlock | Maine State Building and Construction Trades Council |
Joni Boissonneault | Portland Housing Authority |
Mary Ellen Barnes | Lincoln County Regional Planning Council |
Mary Bouvier | Westbrook Housing Authority |
David Wurm | Goodwill Industries of Northern New England |
Julia Trujillo | City of Portland |
Kaylin Kerina | Learning Works |
Scott Christman | Bath Iron Works |
Richard Clark | York County Commissioner |
Mufalo Chitam | Maine Immigrants’ Rights Coalition |
Thomas Nickerson | University of Maine at Augusta |
Beth Campbell | United Way of Greater Portland |
Jim Whitten | Southern Maine Community College |
Antoinette Mancusi | Coastal Counties Workforce, Inc. |
Shelli Pride | Gorham Adult Education |
Michelle Love | Androscoggin Bank |
Samantha Fenderson | Maine Department of Labor |
Mary LaFontaine | Maine Department of Labor |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Deputy Commissioner Kimberly Smith | Maine Department of Labor |
Joshua Howe | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
State Workforce Board
Dead River Company, South Portland, ME
Name | Organization |
Guy Langevin | Dead River |
Peter Anania | Anania & Associates |
Tarlan Ahmadov | Catholic Charities of Maine |
John Fortier | State Farm Insurance |
Ned Claxton | State Senator, Maine Legislature |
Jason Shedlock | Maine Building and Construction Trades Council |
Steve Gorden | Cumberland County Commissioner |
Mary Kate Reny | Renys |
Jen Fullmer | Boots 2 Roots |
Nathan Pelsma | Jobs for Maine Graduates |
Gail Senese | Maine Department of Education |
Karen Fraser | Maine Department of Labor |
Ashley Pringle | Maine & Company |
John Herweh | MMG Insurance |
Jon Mason | Bath Iron Works |
Jim Nimon | Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council |
Colleen Hilton | Northern Light Health |
Bob Dorko | Sappi North America |
Dan Belyea | Maine Community College System |
Deputy Commissioner Sarah Gagne-Holmes | Maine Department of Health and Human Services |
Deputy Commissioner Denise Garland | Maine Department of Economic and Community Development |
Grant Provost | Iron Workers Local 7 |
Greg Sweetser | Sweetser Orchards |
Luanne Ballesteros | The Jackson Laboratory |
Scott Good | Crescendo Consulting |
Robert Sezak | Somerset County Commissioner |
Rosa Redonnett | University of Maine System |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Joshua Howe | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Christopher Quint | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Youth Focused
Florence House, Portland, ME
Name | Organization |
Adrian Cohen | Goodwill Industries of Northern New England |
David Dorr | Somerset Career & Technical Center |
Mercedes Pour | Maine Community College System |
Nikki Williams | State Workforce Board - Youth Committee |
Robyn Raymond | Spruce Mountain Adult Education |
Tracie Travers | Jobs For Maine Grads |
Nate Pelsma | Jobs For Maine Grads |
Sandra Goss | Goodwill Industries of Northern New England/Take Two YouthBuild |
Karen MacDonald | Boys & Girls Clubs of Maine |
Kaylin Kerina | Learning Works/Youth Building Alternatives |
J. Duke Albanese | Great Schools Partnership |
Karen Keim | Maine Educational Opportunity Center |
Heather Stott | Goodwill - Workforce Solutions |
Phoenix Escobedo-Winkle | Youth from JMG |
Ryan Morris | Youth from JMG |
Angie Hassapelis | Youth from JMG |
Nathan Heatley | Youth from JMG |
Carlo Bufano | Jobs For Maine Grads |
Marquise Parland | Learning Works/Youth Building Alternatives |
Shirley Palma | Learning Works/Youth Building Alternatives |
Jeff Nevers | University of New England |
Kim Moore | United Way of Greater Portland/Greater Portland Workforce Initiative |
Rebecca Bryant | Northeastern Workforce Development Board |
Joanna Russell | Northeastern Workforce Development Board |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Christopher Quint | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Joshua Howe | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Employer Focused
MDOL 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME
Name | Organization |
Peter Gore | Maine State Chamber of Commerce |
Steve Hewins | Hospitality Maine |
Hope Perkins | Associated Builders & Contractors |
Brian Whitney | Maine Technology Institute |
Steven Michaud | Maine Hospital Association |
Rick Erb | Maine Health Care Association |
Lisa Martin | Manufacturers Association of Maine |
Jan Kearce | Maine Development Foundation |
Curtis Picard | Retail Association of Maine |
Elizabeth Vanderweide | Finance Authority of Maine |
Cynthia Murphy | Coastal Enterprises |
Dan Coffey | Cianbro |
Jennifer O'Leary | MaineHealth |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Christopher Quint | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Advocate Focused
MDOL 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, ME
Name | Organization |
Chris Hastedt | Maine Equal Justice Partners |
Ann Danforth | Maine Equal Justice Partners |
Jennifer Hutchins | Maine Association of Non-Profits |
Kim Moody | Disability Rights Maine |
Gilda Nardone | SWB - Women's Employment Committee |
Darcy Shargo | Maine Primary Care Association |
Don Harden | Catholic Charities |
Barbara Babkirk | SWB - Older Workers Committee |
Dwight Littlefield | Department of Education - State Director for CTE |
Joanna Russell | Northern Maine Workforce Development Board |
Jeff Nevers | University of New England |
Holly Couturier | Maine Principals Association |
Kate Leveille | MaineSpark |
Beth Stickney | Maine Business Immigration Coalition |
Jared Cash | University of Southern Maine |
Claire Sullivan | University of Maine System |
Rosa Redonnett | University of Maine System |
Cherie Galyean | Maine Community Foundation |
Joy Gould | Community Concepts |
Jim Horn | Auburn School District |
Luisa Deprez | University of Southern Maine |
Jonathan Henry | University of Maine at Augusta |
Lisa Cooper | Maine Development Foundation |
James Myall | ME CEP |
Rachel Knight | Destination Occupation |
Dick Dyer | Destination Occupation |
Rhonda Corson | Destination Occupation |
Rebecca Conrad | RSC Consulting/Maine Business Immigrant Coalition |
LeeAnne Larsen | Department of Education |
Debbie Gilmer | Syntiro - Gear Up |
Nate Wildes | Live & Work in Maine |
Kelley Heath | Maine Adult Education |
Karen Keim | MEOC |
Mary Adley | Maine Department of Education |
Amy Winston | Coastal Enterprises |
Commissioner Laura Fortman | Maine Department of Labor |
Christopher Quint | State Workforce Board/Maine Department of Labor |
Maine Community College System https://www.mccs.me.edu/
- Central Maine Community College https://www.cmcc.edu/
- Eastern Maine Community College https://www.emcc.edu/
- Kennebec Valley Community College https://www.kvcc.me.edu/
- Northern Maine Community College https://www.nmcc.edu/
- Southern Maine Community College https://www.smccme.edu/
- Washington County Community College https://www.wccc.me.edu/
- York County Community College https://www.yccc.edu/
Maine Maritime Academy https://mainemaritime.edu/
University of Maine System https://www.maine.edu/
- University of Maine - Orono https://umaine.edu/
- University of Maine at Augusta https://www.uma.edu/
- University of Maine at Farmington https://www.umf.maine.edu/
- University of Maine at Fort Kent https://www.umfk.edu/
- University of Maine at Machias https://machias.edu/
- University of Maine at Presque Isle https://www.umpi.edu/
- University of Southern Maine https://usm.maine.edu/
Bates College https://www.bates.edu/
Beal College https://bealcollege.edu/
Bowdoin College https://www.bowdoin.edu/
Colby College http://www.colby.edu/
College of the Atlantic https://www.coa.edu/
Husson University https://www.husson.edu/
Purdue Global https://www.purdueglobal.edu/
Maine College of Art https://www.meca.edu/
Maine College of Health Professions https://www.mchp.edu/
Maine Media College https://www.mainemedia.edu/
New England Bible College https://www.nebc.edu/
Saint Joseph's College https://www.sjcme.edu/
Southern New Hampshire University - Brunswick/Winter Harbor https://www.snhu.edu/
Thomas College https://www.thomas.edu/
Unity College https://www.unity.edu/
University of New England https://www.une.edu/