Located in:
- III. Operational Planning Elements
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include an Operational Planning Elements section that supports the State’s strategy and the system-wide vision described in Section II(c) above. Unless otherwise noted, all Operational Planning Elements apply to Combined State Plan partner programs included in the plan as well as to core programs. This section must include—
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
The Unified or Combined State Plan must include a description of the State operating systems and policies that will support the implementation of the State strategy described in section II Strategic Elements. This includes—
- 6. Program Data
- A. Data Alignment and Integration
Describe the plans of the lead State agencies with responsibility for the administration of the core programs, along with the State Board, to align and integrate available workforce and education data systems for the core programs, unemployment insurance programs, and education through postsecondary education, and to the extent possible, the Combined State Plan partner programs included in this plan. The description of the State’s plan for integrating data systems should include the State’s goals for achieving integration and any progress to date.
- A. Data Alignment and Integration
- 6. Program Data
- b. State Operating Systems and Policies
III. b. 6. A. iii. Explain how the State board will assist the governor in aligning technology and data systems across required one-stop partner programs (including design and implementation of common intake, data collection, etc.) and how such alignment will improve service delivery to individuals, including unemployed individuals
Current Narrative:
Due to the size and complexity of California’s workforce and education systems, the state does not utilize a one-size fits all tool for achieving data alignment and integration. Rather California utilizes a dual approach of front-end integration for alignment of intake and service delivery through the common intake form and back end integration for the alignment of assessment and evaluation through CAAL-Skills and CalJOBSSM.
Common Intake Form
A statewide co-enrollment workgroup was established to gather various WIOA partner programs’ intake forms, which were then consolidated into one document by Hanover Research. The co-enrollment workgroup adopted this document as the starting point for a statewide workforce common intake form. To operationalize the form, an electronic common intake form that interacted with the partner programs’ independent systems was created.
California is exploring ways to electronically share common data elements and trigger referrals between CalJOBSSM, a data exchange, and other program partners. The intent would be to assist job seekers by reducing the burden of providing the same common items to multiple agencies (if receiving services from multiple programs), streamline data collection for staff, and assist programs with identifying potentially eligible individuals.
California has continued to work on the CAAL-Skills Program. The purpose of CAAL-Skills is to unite workforce system partners in a program that enables a holistic yet statistically rigorous assessment of California’s workforce system. CAAL-Skills enables the evaluation of workforce programs individually and collectively at the regional level through the assessment of outcomes (e.g., employment, wages and education/training attainment).
The California Policy Lab, comprised of research and data science experts from UCLA and UC Berkeley, has been engaged by the CWDB to evaluate the data provided by CAAL-Skills partners in fulfillment of the federal requirements outlined in WIOA Section 116.
Current data sharing partners include:
- Department of Industrial Relations-Division of Apprenticeship Standards
- Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
- Employment Training Panel
- Department of Social Services
- Employment Development Department
- Department of Education
- Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- Department of Rehabilitation
- Pilot counties
Although CAAL-Skills provides the ability to collect, store and analyze workforce-related information, it does not include a user-friendly interface or web-portal to help individuals identify those workforce development, training and related-education program that best suits their needs. CAAL-Skills also does not include an electronic interface with other longitudinal data systems at this time. Therefore, the CWDB received federal grant funding from DOL to create:
- A user-friendly public interface (via a web portal), including an interactive dashboard and query tool, that will help workforce system customers and potential customers select the workforce development, training and related education programs that best suit their needs; and,
- A technical interface that will facilitate the exchange of information with other longitudinal systems. The interface proposed, will establish the technical infrastructure that will provide interface options allowing the transfer of data between CAAL-Skills and other systems, such as the one being considered by the California Assembly.
California recently invested $10 million toward planning efforts for the creation of a statewide education data system that will follow children from infancy through the workplace. This includes establishing a Cradle to Career Data Systems Working Group to recommend data system structural components, processes, and options as well as advise ongoing efforts to develop, administer, and enhance the data system. CWDB staff will be participating in these discussions for the purpose of exploring potential interface with the CAAL-Skills program.
CalJOBSSM Reporting
For the purpose of developing and producing reports as required under WIOA Section 116, the CalJOBSSM system also serves as the official system of record for federally required data for the following programs:
- Title I Adult.
- Title I Dislocated Worker.
- Title I Youth.
- Title III Wagner-Peyser.
- Jobs for Veterans State Grant.
- Trade Adjustment Assistance.
- National Dislocated Worker Grant.
To ensure compliance with the performance accountability measures outlined in WIOA Section 116, the EDD issued Workforce Services Directive WSD19-03, which provides performance guidance related for all programs using the CalJOBSSM system.
Additionally, Workforce Services Information Notice WSIN17-09 provides AJCC staff with information regarding how to track services provided to individuals and employers in the CalJOBSSM system, and provides a link to the data element(s) each CalJOBSSM activity code maps to in the Participant Individual Record Layout.
To ensure the quarterly and annual participant data submitted to the DOL is accurate, the EDD issued Workforce Services Directive WSD18-02 to outline the process AJCC staff must take to correct data in the CalJOBSSM system. The EDD informs all AJCC staff of the year-end reporting schedule to ensure all supplemental data is entered, and that performance data is reviewed prior to the annual report submission.