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IV. Coordination with State Plan Programs

Describe the methods used for joint planning and coordination among the core programs, and with the required one-stop partner programs and other programs and activities included in the Unified or Combined State Plan.

Current Narrative:

Maine has the benefit of being relatively lean regarding staff and programs which makes regular coordination with partners a common occurrence.

The core partners, local workforce boards and State Board staff meet monthly to monitor the implementation of the State Unified Plan. In addition to monitoring the implementation, this provides the opportunity to collaborate and share information on activities within the plan and emerging opportunities and events across the state.

Local collaboration happens between the core partners, local workforce boards and service providers on a regular basis through local board meetings, committee work, and local initiatives and events.

In addition to these, there is a Statewide Action Team (SWAT) which meets quarterly to network, share resources and discuss systemic issues. It is facilitated by various partners and moves location to allow the opportunity for statewide partners to attend.

Core partners also participate in a variety of projects and initiatives such as MaineSpark where ongoing collaboration happens with workforce system partners, higher education, employers, and non-profits.

Workforce system partners are also on the regular mailing lists for the State Workforce Board to keep them apprised of the work happening there. Additionally, SWB staff are on the invite list for local board meetings and regional training activities. Local board directors and State staff often participate and attend each other’s meetings.