Downloading the Narrative Changes Report (2YM)

Downloading the Narrative Changes Report (2YM)

After you have followed the steps to create the Narrative Changes Report, follow these steps to download the report. This report is a snapshot of narrative changes at the time the report was generated. The downloaded version will not automatically update when further changes are made to a plan’s narratives and must be recreated and downloaded each time you view it for the most updated version. 

  1. From the Narrative Changes Report view, select ‘Download Report.’  

    • Your browser may require you to choose a location to save the report. If so, follow instructions to save the report. 

    • The report name will be in the following format: “MM-DD-YYY-10-26__narrative_changes__000000,” where the first part are the dates in month-day-year format, followed by the time, the text ‘__narrative_changes__’ and several digits. This name format indicates when you ran the report. 

    • The report will automatically save the file in a spreadsheet format. 

  2. Open the report from the location where it was downloaded onto your computer. 

    • Columns included in this report are Year, State, Section, Requirements and Compare Changes columns.  

    • The text in the Requirements and Compare Changes columns are links. 

  3. To open the narrative, select the requirement name link in the Requirements column. From this view, you can select Compare Changes. 

  4. If you wish to navigate directly to the Compare Changes view of a narrative, select the link in the Compare Changes column. Follow the steps in the Compare Changes job aid.