Entering and Editing Narrative Content [Video]

Entering and Editing Narrative Content [Video]

In the ‘Sections’ area of the Plan Content, find the section that contains the narrative(s) you want to edit. 

Open the section one of the following ways:

Tip: Always save before you exit a narrative's edit mode. There is no auto save, so make sure to save so you don’t lose your hard work.

  1. Navigate to review the narratives. If a narrative can be edited, its title appears as a link. Each narrative’s status is listed in italics after the link, such as Draft or Completed.
    • Select the link to open the narrative.
      • Recommended: In the header area, select the ‘Show Requirements’ box to view the full Information Collection Request (ICR) requirement.
    • Select ‘Edit.’ A content lock message is displayed inside a colored bar. Remember, no other person can edit while you are editing.
    • Navigate to the content field under ‘Enter Narrative (*required)’ to do any of the following.
      • Select inside the content field to begin typing. If content already exists, you will see it here.
      • To paste content into the content field, do one of the following:
        1. First, copy the content you wish to use from another source or from this content field by using keyboard controls command + C to copy or command + X to cut.
        2. Select inside the content field to place the cursor where you want to paste the copied content and use keyboard controls command + V.
      • Tip: If you paste text from Microsoft Word, you will see the following message: “The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?” Select ‘OK’ to paste.
      • Use the formatting tools on the editing ribbon as necessary.
      •  If the content is choosing options instead of entering text, select your choice from the list. For example, 'Yes' or 'No.'  
    • When you have finished editing your narrative, select the ‘Save’ button.

    Please note that the video below applies to all edits to a narrative, whether it's a correction, modification or revision.

    Select this link to open an external page containing Accessibility Support and Keyboard Shortcuts that apply to using the WIOA portal. 

    Video Transcript

    Adding Images

    Adding Images

    To add an image to your narrative, follow these steps.

    Tip: Always save before exiting the narrative's edit mode. There is no auto save, so make sure to save so you don’t lose your hard work.

    1. In the ‘Sections’ area of the Plan Content, open the section you want to edit.
    2. Select the appropriate link to open the narrative where you want to add an image.
    3. Select the ‘Edit’ button.
    4. In the content field under ‘Enter Narrative (*required)’ place the cursor where you want your image within the text.
    5. In the editing ribbon above the content field, select the image icon.
    6. In the ‘Insert Image’ box that pops up, follow the instructions to select your gif, png, jpg, or jpeg image. Confirm the image name displays in the ‘Insert image’ box.
    7. Describe the image in the required ‘Alternative text’ field; screen readers read this alt text and it displays if the image does not appear.
      • To edit the image’s alignment, select from the alignment choices.
      • If you want to add a caption, use the checkbox to select Caption.
    8. Select ‘Save’ to add your image to the content area. (This is only saving the image.)
      • If you selected Caption, below the image, change ‘Enter caption here’ to your text.
    9. To save your narrative including the image, select the ‘Save’ button.

    Adding Tables

    Adding Tables

    To add a table to your narrative, we strongly recommend you create it using the table icon in the portal. When you create the table, this ensures it is Section 508 compliant. It is not recommended to paste tables from Microsoft Word or Excel that contain merged cells, because they are not Section 508 compliant.

    You may choose to use an image of your table instead of creating the table. If you choose to upload the table as an image, follow the steps in the previous job aid, Adding Images.

    If you prefer to create the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Open the narrative where you want to add a table.
    2. Select the ‘Edit’ button. 
    3. In the content field under ‘Enter Narrative (*required)’ place the cursor where you want your table.
    4. In the editing ribbon above the content field, select the table icon.
    5. In the ‘Table Properties’ box that pops up, select the number of rows, columns, and header choices, and enter caption text.
    6. Select ‘OK’ to add your table to the content area.
    7. Enter data into the table.
    8. To save your narrative with the table, select the ‘Save’ button.


    Performance Indicator Data

    Performance Indicator Data

    State staff will enter Performance Indicator Data for each Core Program. You’ll enter this information within the Core Program section (as opposed to an Appendix, like previous plan years). The Performance Indicator Data section contains a pre-determined table format, where you’ll simply enter the numbers into their corresponding cells without having to create a table.

    Content Lock/Unlock

    Content Lock/Unlock

    When an editor selects the ‘Edit’ button, this turns on the automatic content lock so others cannot edit at the same time. The content lock message is displayed in a colored bar. To unlock your content by saving, select ‘Save.’ This is the recommended process of locking and unlocking content.

    If you navigate away from a page in edit mode without saving, a pop-up message will ask you if you want to leave without saving. Return to the page to save or unlock manually. If you leave the page, you will lock the content without saving.

    To unlock without saving your content while in edit mode, select the ‘Unlock’ link below the Narrative Content area. Navigating away from the edit mode without saving will delete your edits and revert to the last saved version of the narrative. 

    1. A message appears asking you to confirm the 'break lock' of your content. You will lose any content you have entered since you selected 'Edit.'
    2. To confirm, select the ‘Break Lock’ button.

    To return to edits, select 'cancel.'

    Content Locked by Another User

    Content Locked by Another User

    If you are trying to edit content that has been locked by another user, request that the user follow the instructions in Content Lock/Unlock

    If the user who has locked content is not available to unlock it, send a message to the Help Desk requesting the content to be unlocked. Select the 'Help' link in the main menu and include a copy of the URL of the locked page.

    Comparing Two Versions of Narrative Content

    Comparing Two Versions of Narrative Content

    The ‘Revisions’ button allows you to compare two different versions of a narrative. There are several ways to view the revisions. In all cases, added text is highlighted green and deleted text is highlighted red. Follow the steps below to compare revisions.

    To compare changes in a Two-Year Modification plan, view the Comparing Narrative Changes in the 'Compare Changes' Report (2YM) job aid.

    1. In the ‘Sections’ area of the Plan Content, select the '+' to expand a section.
    2. Select the narrative link you want to review.
    3. Select ‘Revisions.’
    4. All Changes are displayed by default in the table. If you prefer, from the drop-down menu, select:
      • Content Changes to display only content changes.
      • Status Changes to display only status changes.

    Revision Display Options

    The revisions view displays the dates and authors of the versions you’re comparing. Each revision compares the current version to the previous version in the table. In all revision comparisons, the revision view displays the narrative text in one text block, with added text highlighted green and removed text highlighted red. Scroll to review revisions as necessary.


    Completing a Narrative

    Completing a Narrative

    When you are finished making edits to your narrative, you can mark the narrative complete from edit mode or from view mode. If you are making corrections to your narrative, the status options change according to your stage of the process.

    From edit mode do the following.

    1. Navigate below the narrative text field.
    2. To mark the narrative as ‘Correction Complete,’ choose the option 'Update the status to ‘Correction Complete.’'
    3. Select the ‘Save’ button, and a green alert displays a confirmation message.

    The ‘View’ button at the top of the narrative page displays the content in a non-editable view mode. From view mode do the following.

    1. Open the narrative. Navigate below the text of the narrative, and select the '+' to expand the 'Change the Status of this Narrative' box.
    2. Choose the option 'Update the status to ‘Correction Complete.’'
    3. Select 'Make this Change' and a green alert displays a confirmation message.